It can be difficult for health professionals, parents and clients alike to decipher which asymmetries are ok and which are not.

About Us
We provide free screenings to aid diagnosis of the presence of a structural scoliosis or not
The body has many mild asymmetries, such as different foot sizes, that we know are totally fine and not to be worried about. The same goes for the spine and ribcage.
Sometimes differences in shoulder heights may be seen, but you are unsure if this is coming from a scoliosis or is simply a common asymmetry associated with being left or right hand dominant.
A very common mistake made by health practitioners is informing a client that their hip prominence is due to a longer leg but it may in fact be a hidden scoliosis that is causing the pelvis to shift and give the (false) appearance of a longer leg.
We provide free scoliosis screenings to assist both clients and health practitioners alike in determining whether an asymmetry in the body is coming from a scoliosis or not. There are many types of scoliosis and we will be able to assist you in determining which ones require further investigation (such as with a low dose x-ray) or not.
Some parents with a family history of structural scoliosis, bring their children in every 3 months for free screening during growth spurts, so we can pick up structural scoliosis promptly, should it arise. This then allows opportunity to commence interventions designed to halt curve progression, if it is deemed necessary.
Free screenings are typically of 10 minutes duration. They may be done in-rooms or via Telehealth and are booked by contacting our reception