"Looking after the person,
not just the curve"
(Dr Manuel Rigo, MD)

Welcome to Scoliosis Physiotherapy

Australia's first physiotherapy practice focusing exclusively on scoliosis and other variations of the spine and ribcage

We are a passionate and caring team of Physiotherapists and Orthotists with over 30 years of combined experience working in the field of scoliosis.

We assist all ages: children, teenagers and adults (young and old).

Through detailed assessments we provide research-based treatment options to meet your individual needs and take pride in ‘looking after the person and not just the curve’ which is reflective of our international training in the ‘BSPTS-Concept by Rigo’ qualification (a development of the original Schroth method teaching).   

Being in the field of scoliosis since 2010, we have well established networks with other key players that make up the multidisciplinary team (such as Orthopaedic surgeons and psychologists) who share the same patient-centred-care approach that we do, should further opinion be required.

We look forward to assisting and sharing our knowledge with you.