Bracing Social Group Activities
Our Bracing Social Group is a great way to connect with other kids who need to wear a scoliosis-specific brace. The plan is for the group to meet up and share in fun activities and share information. Come to as many or as few as you like. Register your interest below to receive further details about our next Bracing Social Group get together.

Our first ever Bracing Social Group Activity Wrap Up Saturday 20 July 2019
A great time was had by all. It was a roller blading/skating get together followed by pizza – loads of fun and no stacks!
The kids are busy organising the next gathering..
Currently activities will be organised every 4 weeks – they will swap between a Saturday and a Sunday and from morning and afternoon times – so that hopefully everyone is able to get there at some stage. Activities will also alternate between active and creative activities to also suit a variety of interests.